Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8/29/12 Update

This trip went off pretty well, being the second round for this week. Oak Hill, WV being the 1st stop came off with no issues, then we hurried down to Nash-Finch in Bluefield,VA before they closed at 2100. I arrived around 2030, Grants in Tazewell we made it before 2200 closing of course, so no problems there. Sunday nights they close at 2100 so I of course missed that run and had to come back Monday morning. In November they'll go back to winter hours, closing at 2100 every night, so it'll be tough to make it, except for Thursday nights because I don't have Bluefield. Finally I finished the night in Richlands at the Grants there.
In preparation for there monthly three day sale at the first of each month, they received eight pallets! Mostly of potatoes. That's the most I've seen anyone ever receive in one load. After I pulled all that off and stored it in the cooler, I was off to bed.

     Woke up this morning and headed for Christiansburg. I stopped at the Loves north of Wytheville and fueled up, including the DEF tank, which for some reason was put on the passenger side. So I have to fill a five gallon jug and manually pour it in the tank through a funnel. So I try to fill it up at half tank, which is 10 gallons, so I only need to make two trips. I only have to do this once every two weeks because we have a DEF tank at the shop, and I only have to fill it up once during my three round weeks, which is every other week. So I went on to Christiansburg and of course the Pepsi delivery truck was in the dock, so I had to wait for awhile. Interesting four cop cars showed up and went to a house across the street from the Dollar General Market, and one young boy was arrested for something. Anyhow I got that stop off and went on to Troutville, then Collinsville.

  I'd backed into the dock and rang the bell as usual, but this time nobody answered as they normally do very quickly. I was dealing with a mother nature situation which required immediate attention, so I sat my bills down and ran around through the front of the store to the facilities. Upon completion of the more imminent problem at hand, I returned to the dock where they had started unloading, however the normal produce man was on lunch, so another guy was filling in. So after leaving there I headed to my final stop in Clarksville and found that the dock has once again flooded for the second time this month due to a pump failure in the system that's supposed to clear all the water away from the dock.
So this is is what you end up with! After opening the door and climbing over the railing I was however able to stay dry myself. Then I got the news that Collinsville had called and we missed unloading a pallet there. The ONE time I didn't double check the labels, and it came back to bite me. So after loading up the dog food in Halifax going to Ohio, I returned here to Collinsville and gave them there pallet. So all is well that ends well! This load of dog food does not deliver in the morning as they have been up until now, so we will probably just drop it and hook up to a trailer back in Newcomerstown for our final trip this week. Also I have an appointment at 1130 on Saturday for a new tattoo of a Peterbilt logo,so look for that next week.

(c) 2012 Viper Pete 386 Productions and Truckin Rooster